DSpace-CRIS consists of a data model describing objects of interest to Research and Development and a set of tools to manage the data. Standard DSpace is used to deal with publications and data sets, whereas DSpace-CRIS involves other CRIS entities: Researcher Pages, Projects, Organization Units and Second Level Dynamic Objects (single entities specialized by a profile, such as Journal, Prize, Event etc; because any profile can define its own set of properties and nested objects)
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912 (469) "15"
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1590 | Beschrijuinghe der zee custen vant landt vã Argarbe, Eñ ee deel vande Condado. Soe hem tland aldaer verthoont en in ghedaente en mesen is | |
1590 | Die Zee carte van Portugal, tusschen Camino en Montego, alfoe dat landt all daer in Sijn ghedaente is, met alle Sijne haeuen enn ondiepten, met groeter naersticheijt en vliedt ghecorrigeevt | |
1561 | [Lvsitaniam Gvido Sfortia Vernandi Alvari Secco industria descriptam...]. | |
1590 | Portvgallia | |
1595 | Portvgallia Portvgal. | |
1571 | Portvgalliae que olim Lusitania nouissima & exactissima descriptio | |
1570 | Portvgalliae que olim Lusitania nouissima et exactissima descriptio | |
1593 | Portvgalliae qvae olim Lvsitania Vernando Alvaro Secco avtore recens descriptio | |
1578 | Portvgalliae qvae olim Lvsitania Vernando Alvaro Secco avtore recens descriptio | |
1596 | Portvgalliae Regnvm | |
1572 | Portvgalliae Regnvm | |
1590 | Die zee caerte van Portugal, tusschen Camino en Montego, alsoe dat landt all daer in sijn ghedaente is, met alle srjne haeuen enn ondiepten, met groeter naersticheijt en vliedt ghecorrigeert | |
1590 | Zee carte van Portugal, daer inno begreven de vermaerde Coop stadt van Lisbone S:Vues met hare Riuieren Soe hem die selfde Landen verthoonen alsmen de Riuieren op eñ off zeijlt | |
1590 | Zee carte van Portugal, daer inno begreven de vermaerde Coop stadt van Lisbone S:Vues met hare Riuieren Soe hem die selfde Landen verthoonen alsmen de Riuieren op eñ off zeijlt | |