DSpace-CRIS consists of a data model describing objects of interest to Research and Development and a set of tools to manage the data. Standard DSpace is used to deal with publications and data sets, whereas DSpace-CRIS involves other CRIS entities: Researcher Pages, Projects, Organization Units and Second Level Dynamic Objects (single entities specialized by a profile, such as Journal, Prize, Event etc; because any profile can define its own set of properties and nested objects)
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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2000 | O crédito ao consumo e o endividamento | Rodrigues, António Menezes |
2000 | O crédito ao consumo e o endividamento | Lobo, Flora |
2000 | O crédito ao consumo e o endividamento | Ferreira, Manuel Athaíde |
2000 | O crédito à habitação e o endividamento | Reis, José; Rodrigues, Manuel Moreira |
2000 | Crédito à habitação: será o endividamento dos portugueses excessivo? | Neves, Vítor |
2000 | O endividamento dos consumidores em Portugal: questões principais | Marques, Maria Manuel Leitão; Frade, Catarina |
2000 | O estado da situação e as opções em Portugal: o ponto de vista do sector bancário | Pinhal, Filipe |
2000 | Le cas français: l’augmentation de l’endettement et la appréciation des solutions essayées | Martin, Chantai |
2008 | Norma e transgressão: contributos para a definição de padrões de identidade/alteridade nas Histórias de Heródoto | Soares, Carmen |
2000 | Perspectives on consumer bankruptcy law | Gross, Karen |
2000 | Policy options for Portugal in the field of over-indebtedness | Huls, Nick |
2000 | The «Europeanisation» of credit supply and advice | Ring, Jens |
2000 | Unsustainable home ownership and over-indebtedness: the experience in Britain and its relevance to other European countries | Ford, Janet |