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Title: O espaço físico como alegoria da tragédia humana: concepção do espaço dramático na Trilogia de Édipo de J. de Castro Osório
Authors: Rodrigues, Ália Rosa C.
Keywords: Hero;Myth;Neo-romantism;Nietzsche;Oedipus;Reception;Superman;Tragedy;Trilogy;Herói;Mito;Neo-romantismo;Nietzsche;Édipo;Recepção;Super-homem;Tragédia;Trilogia
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Clássicos
Abstract: Here is a strong and proud city. Here is the same city, but destroyed and infertile. Its flights of steps first dignify the hero, then shove him to his downfall. At the end, these stairs lead the hero to the highest level, the divine, which belongs to none other than Man, to the one that once deciphered the Sphinx. On the horizon, there is a mountain that casts shade upon the city and, although distant, it is always dreadfully present. These are some of elements that build the scenario of the dramatic poem Oedipus Trilogy from João de Castro Osório, a poet, essayist, literary critic and dramatist situated, in the Lusitanian tradition of the Neo-romantic aesthetic. This article focuses on the construction of the mythical place of Thebes as well as on the elements that symbolize and embody the implicit meanings of the myth. Therefore, it is intended to illustrate how the construction of the scenario corresponds to the concept, both in space and time, of the tragic.
ISBN: 978-972-98142-2-8
DOI: 10.14195/978-972-98142-2-8_12
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Espaços e paisagens: antiguidade clássica e heranças contemporâneas: Vol.2 Línguas e Literaturas: Idade Média, Renascimento, Recepção

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