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Title: Folly and dark humor in the life of Demetrius
Authors: Monaco, Mallory
Keywords: Plutarch;Life of Demetrius;Dark Humor
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: International Plutarch Society
Abstract: Despite Plutarch’s claim that his aim is not the amusement of his reader, the Life of Demetrius is full of humor in a variety of forms. Just as the narrative splits into a comic half and a tragic half, Plutarch adapts his use of humor to suit the tone of the narrative context. In the comic half, the humor makes light of Demetrius’ vices, while the humor of the tragic half is predominantly gallowshumor, and the characters are reduced to laughing at the death and ruin which Demetrius’ reckless ambition has brought to pass. In both halves, Plutarch uses humor not only to entertain his reader, but also as a didactic tool with which he draws attention to Demetrius’ moral failings.
ISSN: 0258-655X
DOI: 10.14195/0258-655X_9_4
Appears in Collections:Ploutarchos

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