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Title: Neuromarketing: de los sentidos a la experiencia
Other Titles: Neuromarketing: dos sentidos à experiência
Neuromarketing: through the senses to the experience
Neuromarketing: des sens à l’experience
Authors: Castrillon, Cristina
Keywords: Neuromarketing;Emotions;Senses;Experiences;Advertising;Marketing;Neuromarketing;Émotions;Sens;Expériences;Publicité;Marketing;Neuromarketing;Emoções;Sentidos;Experiências;Publicidade;Marketing
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: É cada vez maior a importância que um estudo adequado das emoções tem no âmbito do marketing. Tem-se revelado essencial ter em consideração a forma como se chega aos clientes, por exemplo, através dos sentidos e das experiências, os quais devem ser bem geridos a fim de se estabelecer uma relação de compromisso e de confiança com os mesmos. Assim, este estudo irá explorar a importância destas experiências, quais os sentidos já conhecidos e quais os outros sentidos aos quais se poderá apelar, a forma como o neuromarketing está a crescer e a ganhar reconhecimento, e por último, uma série de casos de sucesso em que se conseguiu manipular eficazmente as emoções em campanhas publicitárias.
La valeur d’une étude adéquate des émotions au niveau du marketing est grandissante. Il a été démontré qu’il est important de prendre en compte qu’il faut parvenir aux clients à travers les sens et des expériences et qu’il est efficace d’en faire une gestion afin de générer un engagement et une fidélisation. C’est pourquoi ce travail creuse la pertinence de ces expériences, afin de savoir quels sont les sens connus et quels sont les autres sens auxquels ont peut faire appel, tels que le neuromarketing qui gagne du terrain et qui acquiert une plus grande reconnaissance, et finalement une série de cas de succès qui ont permis de gérer les émotions de façon effective dans leurs campagnes publicitaires.
Each time it is greater the value that studies have given to the use of emotions in marketing. It has been revealed that it is supremely important to take on account that it is effective to get to clients through feelings and experiences and that if it is done correctly you could achieve a greater engagement and loyalty with them. This is why this paper goes through the emotions relevance in marketing, the known senses and others that are barely talked about, and how neuromarketing has been gaining space and has acquired greater recognition, and for last some successful cases in which brands have known how to connect with its target through the effective use of emotions in their advertising campaigns.
ISSN: 1645-3530
1647-8622 (digital)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8622_15_11
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Revista Estudos do Século XX

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