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Title: Defesa da independência e identidade de Portugal na literatura apologética da restauração de 1640: o Sermão da Circuncisão do jesuíta Jorge da Costa
Other Titles: The defense of Portuguese independence and identity in the apologetic literature of the 1640 Restoration: the Sermon of the Circumcision, by the jesuit Jorge da Costa
Authors: Marques, João Francisco
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: O Sermão da Circuncisão do P. Jorge da Costa é um apelo veemente à defesa das fronteiras com Espanha nos anos imediatos à Restauração de 1640, invocando a origem sagrada do reino, independente e livre. A identidade da nação portuguesa que aparece estruturada na mítica promessa de Ourique sobre a utopia do messianismo luso que se consumaria no advento da quinta monarquia universal.
The Sermon of the Circumcision, by the Priest Jorge da Costa, is a fervent plea for the defense of Portugal's borders with Spain during the years immediately following the 1640 Restoration. The sermon invokes the sacred origins of the kingdom, which is viewed as independent and free. The identity of the Portuguese nation is structured along the lines of the mythic promise made at the battle of Ourique - that is, the utopia of Portuguese Messianism, which was to be consummated by the advent of the fifth universal monarchy.
ISSN: 0870-0958
2183-8925 (digital)
DOI: 10.14195/2183-8925_28_4
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Revista de História das Ideias

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