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Title: Germanofilia em Portugal durante a Grande Guerra: o caso do jornal ABC, de Madrid
Other Titles: Germanophilia in Portugal during the First World War: the case of the Madrid newspaper ABC
Authors: Santos, Miguel Dias
Keywords: germanofilia;Great War;ABC;propaganda;Iberism;germanophilie;grande guerre;ABC;propagande;ibérisme;germanofilia;grande guerra;ABC;propaganda;iberismo
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: No conflito entre aliadófilos e germanófilos, que ocorreu na Europa durante a Grande Guerra, a imprensa teve um papel central nos debates culturais e ideológicos. O ABC de Madrid integrava o grupo da imprensa germanófila acusada de estar ao serviço da Alemanha para evitar a beligerância de Madrid. Em Portugal, o ABC era o jornal estrangeiro mais lido, penetrando sobretudo no campo monárquico e católico acusado de germanofilia. Era também lido nos meios militares hostis a uma participação na guerra e acabou por isso proibido em Portugal. A sua atitude perante a política interna e externa revelava um propósito claro: impedir a beligerância de Portugal. O seu discurso, através dos seus correspondentes, analisava criticamente os objectivos, a estratégia e a capacidade financeira e militar de Portugal para participar na contenda mundial ao lado dos aliados.
Dans le conflit entre partisans des alliés et germanophiles qui a eu lieu en Europe pendant la Grande Guerre, la presse a eu un rôle central dans les débats culturels et idéologiques. L’ABC de Madrid intégrait le groupe de la presse germanophile accusée d’être au service de l’Allemagne pour éviter la belligérance de Madrid. Au Portugal, l’ABC était le journal étranger le plus lu, pénétrant surtout dans le camp monarchique et catholique accusé de germanophilie. Il était également lu dans les milieux militaires hostiles à une participation à la guerre et a donc fini interdit au Portugal. Son attitude face à la politique interne et externe révélait un objectif clair : empêcher la belligérance du Portugal. Son discours, par le biais de ses correspondants, analysait de manière critique les objectifs, la stratégie et la capacité financière et militaire du Portugal pour participer au conflit mondial du côté des alliés.
In the conflict between alliedophiles and germanophiles, which occurred in Europe during the Great War, press played a central role in the cultural ideological debates. The ABC, from Madrid, was part of the germanophile press accused of servicing Germany to avoid Madrid entering the War. In Portugal, the ABC was widely read, especially by the monarchical and catholic faction, accused of germanophilia. It was also read by the militaries that were against the Portuguese participation in the War, so it was forbidden in Portugal. Its position concerning both internal and external affairs revealed a clear goal: to prevent Portugal’s belligerency. Its speech, through its correspondents, critically analyzed the goals, the strategy and Portugal’s financial and military capacity to participate in that worldwide conflict alongside the Allies.
ISSN: 1645‑3530
1647-8622 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8622_18_3
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Revista Estudos do Século XX

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