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Title: El mar en la Eneida
Other Titles: The sea in the Aeneid
Authors: Alvar Ezquerra, Antonio
Keywords: Virgil;Aeneid;mare;aequor;altum;pontus;Virgilio;Eneida;mare;aequor;altum;pontus
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Virgil takes his reflection on the sea much further than his predecessors and builds a literary and a lexical universe around him with surprising creativity and lasting results. The expressive richness that Virgil demonstrates derives from the needs demanded by his story, which is predominantly set in the marine environment. The prolific écphrasis of storms, routes and maritime landscapes, competitions and naval battles, etc forced him to solve countless problems. Undoubtedly, the sea puts to the test Virgil's creative capacity, and the poet contributed to the transformation of this hostile environment into a dominated space and a path of civilization with his lyrics.
Virgilio lleva su reflexión sobre el mar mucho más lejos que sus predecesores y construye un universo literario y léxico en torno a él de sorprendente creatividad y duraderos resultados. La riqueza expresiva que muestra Virgilio deriva de las necesidades exigidas por su relato que se ambienta de manera muy considerable en el medio marino. Las prolijas écphrasis de tempestades, recorridos y paisajes marítimos, concursos y batallas navales, etc. le obligaron a resolver incontables problemas. Sin duda, el mar puso a prueba la capacidad creativa de Virgilio y él, con su poesía, contribuyó a transformar ese medio hostil en un espacio dominado y en un camino de civilización.
ISBN: 978-989-26-1567-7
978-989-26-1568-4 (PDF)
ISSN: 2182-8814
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-1568-4_7
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:O melhor é a água: da antiguidade clássica aos nossos dias

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