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Title: A grave group from Monte dos Irmãos: (Montargil)
Authors: Nollen, Jeannette U. Smit
Issue Date: 1981
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Por ocasião de lavras num campo a cerca de 4 km da necrópole de Santo André (veja-se o artigo anterior), achou-se uma urna cinerária contendo vários objectos. Ao lado, uma lucerna de bronze foi enterrada envolvida num pano. As formas, o tipo de pasta e a cronologia da urna e de algumas das peças nela contidas são semelhantes aos achados de Santo André.
A funerary urn was found while plowing a field at only ca. 4 km from the necropolis of Santo André (see previous paper). It contained several smaller pieces deposited on a thin layer of bone fragments. Alongside a small but rather unique open bronze lamp had been deposited wrapped in a linen cloth. The forms, fabrics and chronology of the urn and some of the grave goods were found to be comparable to certain Santo André finds.
ISSN: 0084-9189
1647-8657 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8657_20_2
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Conimbriga

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