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Title: Dos tesouros de moedas romanas em Portugal
Authors: Hipólito, Mário de Castro
Issue Date: 1961
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: The A. publishes here the revised version of a work presented to the University of Coimbra in 1959, as a dissertation for graduation in the Faculty of Letters. He studies seven coin hoards which can be chronologically attributed to the years 260-282 A. D.. Two of them had never been published and another one had been recently published but not properly connected with any historical events. The combined study of such hoards seemed capable of bringing some contribution to the history of Hispania during that period, especially on the Germanic invasions, a subject much discussed in Spain since 1950. It has been suggested in a recent publication (1955) that the whole Peninsula suffered from those invasions. Though calling the reader’s attention to the dificulties raised by the interpretation of the above seven hoards, the A. emphasises that such hoards do not afford any data which enable us to connect them, even indirectly, with the invasions. Some of them, however, may be connected with the usurpation movements under Probus. Having in mind a future inventory of the Roman coin hoards found in Portugal, the A., in the first chapter, collects information about 139 of such hoards, a good number of them still umpublished. This information was obtained by the A. when trying to locate all the hoards dated to the second half of the third century A. D..
ISSN: 0084-9189
1647-8657 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8657_2_3_1
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Conimbriga

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