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Title: Career development – From Linear Prediction to Understanding Dynamic Systems
Authors: Reitzle, Matthias
Santos, Eduardo
Ferreira, Joaquim Armando
Keywords: Career development;Dynamic Systems Theory;attractor states;synchronization;habitus
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: The final chapter tries to integrate the various contributions to this volume and to relate these to Fred W. Vondracek’s ideas. Based on the essence of this volume and Fred’s pioneering work, a preview to promising future directions in career development research is outlined. A major focus lies on key concepts of dynamic systems theory such as attractor states, circular causation, synchronization, equifinality and multifinality. These concepts are briefly explained and projected on major topics of career development. In this context, the basic units of observation are individuals’ day-to-day interactions which shape so-called attractor states, i.e., individuals’ habitual ways of thinking, feeling, deciding and acting, in short their personalities which, in turn, influence the modalities of their daily interactions (circular causation). Within this framework, it becomes evident that concepts such as Bourdieu’s “habitus” or Fleck’s “thought collective” may become operative as psychological delimiters of individuals’ cognitive and behavioral repertoires. To broaden the scope and opportunities for optimal development of any, even underprivileged, persons, means to help them transcend the borders of their objective and internalized boundaries. These boundaries are illustrated by vast cross-national differences in upward educational mobility across generations, and data on the reproduction of business elites.
ISBN: 978-989-26-1450-2
978-989-26-1451-9 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-1451-9_10
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Career development in context: Festschrift for Fred Vondracek

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