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Title: Mimus zelotipi numti: à propos de la mosaïque de Noheda: (Villar de Domingo García, Cuenca)
Other Titles: “Mimus zelotipi numti: about the mosaic from Noheda Villa: (Villar de Domingo García, Cuenca)”
Authors: Lancha, Janine
Roux, Patrick le
Keywords: Inscription (on mosaic);Late Antiquity;Link text/ image;Mime;Mosaic;Theater;Antiquité Tardive;Lien texte-image;Inscription (musive);Mime;Mosaïque;Théâtre;Antiguidade tardia;Link texto/imagem;Inscrição (musiva);Mimo;Mosaico;Teatro
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Nova interpretação da inscrição da cena de mimo no painel B, parte direita, a distinguir do espectáculo de pantomima que ocupa os restantes três quartos da parte esquerda do mesmo painel.
Nouvelle interprétation de l’inscription et de la scène de mime du panneau B, partie droite, à distinguer du spectacle de pantomime qui occupe les trois quarts de la partie gauche du panneau.
New interpretation of the inscription and of the mime scene on the right side of panel B which is to be distinguished from the pantomime depicted on the remaining three quarters on the left side of the same panel.
ISSN: 1647-8657 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8657_56_6
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Conimbriga

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