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Title: Crise e regime do espírito: dois pensadores perante a história
Other Titles: Crisis and a regime of spirit: two thinkers regarding history
Crise et régime de l'espirt: deux penseurs concernant l'histoire
Authors: Cordeiro, Cristina Robalo
Keywords: Crisis of spirit;Ideological debate;Duration;Instant;Crise de l’esprit;Débat idéologique;Durée;Instant;Crise do espírito;Debate ideológico;Duração;Instante
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: O período significativamente designado em França por entre-deux-guerres é um campo de observação particularmente instrutivo para quem quer aprender a viver em tempo de catástrofe. No desmoronar dos valores considerados, pouco tempo antes, seguros – do franco à República –, a “crise do espírito”, acompanhando todas as outras formas de perturbação, instalava-se para ficar. Se alguns intelectuais não haviam renunciado a salvar o que podia ser salvo do naufrágio universal, outros, mais jovens, preferiam romper violentamente e de forma definitiva com a ordem antiga. Todavia, acima das querelas ideológicas da época crescia um debate mais abstracto que opunha os partidários da duração aos defensores do instante, e que pode ainda hoje fazer-nos pensar.
La période significative désigné en France comme l’entre-deux-guerres est un terrain d’observation particulièrement instructif pour ceux qui veulent apprendre à vivre en temps de catastrophe. Avec l’effondrement des valeurs considérées auparavant comme sûres – du franco à la République –, la «crise de l’esprit», accompagnant toutes les autres formes de perturbation, s’installait pour y rester. Si certains intellectuels n’avaient pas renoncé à sauver ce qui pouvait être sauvé du naufrage universel, d’autres, plus jeunes, préféraient se séparer violemment et définitivement de l’ordre ancien. Cependant, plus important que ces querelles idéologiques de l’époque, augmentai un débat plus abstrait qui opposait les partisans de la durée aux défenseurs de l’instant, et qui peux encore aujourd’hui nous faire réfléchir.
The period significantly designated in France as entredeux- guerres (between two wars) is a field of observation particularly educational to those who want to learn how to live in a time of catastrophe. In the crumbling of values considered previously as safe – from franco (free) until the Republic –, the “crisis of the spirit” would continue, accompanying all the other forms of disturbance. If some intellectuals had not renounced in saving what could be saved from the universal shipwreck, others, much younger, preferred to violently and definitively part from the ancient order. However, more important than those ideological quarrels of the time, grew a debate more abstract in nature which opposed supporters of the duration to defenders of the instant, and which could still today make us think.
ISSN: 1645-3530
1647-8622 (digital)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8622_10_3
Appears in Collections:Revista Estudos do Século XX

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