Obra LOWE, Richard Thomas, 1802-1874 - Primitae et Novitiae Faunae et Florae Maderae et Portus Sancti, 1851. Cópia em JPEG Índice [Rosto] [Pé de imprensa] I. Primitae Faunae et Florae Maderae et Portus Sancti ; sive Species quaedam Novae vel hactenus minus rite cognitae Animalium et Plantarum in his Insulis degentium breviter descriptae Mollusca. Class: Gasteropoda XXVII. Novitiae Florae Maderensis: or, Notes and Gleanings of Maderan Botany. By the Rev. R. T. Lowe, M. A. Corrigendum [Colofão] Index | ![]() Ficha Bibliográfica [b1764789] LOWE, Richard Thomas, 1802-1874 Primitae et Novitiae Faunae et Florae Maderae et Portus Sancti. : two Memoirs on the Ferns, Flowering Plants, and Land Shells of Madeira and Porto Santo : with an appendix / by R. T. Lowe. - London : John Van Voorst, 1851. - 1 vol. (pag. múlt.) ; 18 cm. Inclui indice. - Na pág rosto: Reprinted (by permission) from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. UCFCT Botânica B-88/5-36 |